Education Support
Education is the backbone of a nation. But in the rural side the condition of women education is below standard. To improve the condition SPA works with illiterate children of the working area. Education sector is one of the most important and ongoing programs of SPA, because nothing is alternative of education and education is the backbone of a nation. The education rate of rural areas is much more than the city areas. It works in the remotest areas and most of the guardians are poor and marginal farmers. Due to poverty parents could not provide necessary clothes, proper diet and school fees to their children so children can’t go to schools regularly. For the upliftment of Govt. primary education, eradication of illiteracy and increase the literacy rate within the working area, the organization designed its education sector aiming.
– To eradicate illiteracy among the target families and provide them literal knowledge.
– To make the target illiterate families’ literate by whom they can at least read and write and keep family income and expenditure accounts.
– To facilitate the Govt. Adult education program.