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  • +8801730340000, +8801678116064

Hunger is stalking the globe

Hunger is stalking the globe

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Society for People’s Advancement (SPA) is a non-political, non-religious and not-for-profit Non-Government Organization (NGO)for social development in Bangladesh. It was established in 1998 by few young energetic social elites with a mission to enable sustainable development through empowerment of the poor. We are especially focused on empowering the very poor families with widows and children. Through empowerment, the poor are organised and made aware of the real causes of their impoverishment, their material resources are mobilised, income and employment are increased, and capacities are developed to cope with natural disasters


Society for People’s Advancement (SPA) is working to protect those who are not aware of the significance of their health....


Education can do wonders in any situation and is regarded as the backbone of the nation...


In rural areas work-related opportunities are so low that families face extreme hurdles to meet their basic life needs...
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