Agricultural Development
The life style and status of poor, landless and marginal families within the working area of SPA heavily dependent on the agricultural livelihood. Because, they all belong to the farmers family. Their food, education, health and living status are subjected to the earning from the agriculture. So improvement of life status of target families is mostly related to the development of the agriculture. Because the whole cultivation process is ancient and production rate is very low. The areas of agriculture like fisheries, poultry and live stock farming are also in a poor condition. As a result the nutrition status and economic condition of this agriculture dependent population is getting worse day by day. For the upliftment of agricultural livelihood, it has categorized the agriculture sector into 04 productive activities. Such as:
– Fisheries,
– Agro forestry,
– Horticulture and
– Livestock development.
The project also emphasized on quality of services and staff development to enhance the managerial and service delivery capacity has been considered carefully which will lead the program towards sustainable development. Out of project inputs, a process will be generated for mobilizing local resources in favor of the organized group members. Inputs of training, functional literacy and credit support will be used as capital investment for leading the groups towards sustainability. The credit support will act as revolving fund for expansion of similar activities in the area. Out of training, group member’s potentiality will be strengthened to mobilize local resources in favor of it. Thus, the program will lead towards sustainability by the end of the project period. The following activities completed during this year.